EP43 | Kris Garin - Tenant Relationships, Portfolio Acquisitions, UPREIT Structure


Kris Garin from Riparian Capital Partners discusses their approach to managing tenant issues in post-industrial cities like Baltimore, Pittsburgh, and Detroit. They focus on building relationships with tenants and positioning themselves as the ideal counterparty. They conduct detailed file audits and have a plan in place for screening tenants and managing turnover. They also prioritize clear communication and respect to avoid unnecessary conflicts. Kris also explains why they chose these cities for their portfolio acquisitions, citing the supply-constrained workforce demographic and the potential for resilience in the market. He also discusses the potential impact of changes in government programs on their portfolio. In this conversation, Kris Garin discusses the government's role in providing resources outside of a paycheck, the impact of debt levels on the economy, and the importance of social impact efforts in the real estate industry. He also explains the 721 exchange structure and how it allows for tax deferral and diversification. Kris highlights the value of seller financing and the benefits of partnering with portfolio owners who are already considering a 1031 exchange. He concludes by emphasizing the need for alignment with investors and the potential for long-term growth in the workforce housing sector.
EP43 | Kris Garin - Tenant Relationships, Portfolio Acquisitions, UPREIT Structure
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